The Continuity of Life

Try to observe the living things in your surrounding. How do organisms survive? Its survival can be maintened through Adaptation, Natural Selection and Reproduction. Adaptation is a process to fit the changes in their environment will survive. Natural Selection is a choosing or selection by nature to individuals having adaptive characteristics to certain environment. Reproduction is a have adaptive characteristic inherited from their parents. State your opinion ! The decreasing number of hair at human body helps those who actively mobile to keep them stay cool. However, the skin parts which are not protected by hair can be damaged by UV radiation. Pigmentation or the coloring process of the skin can protect people from skin cancer caused by UV radiation. Yet, skin cancer usually attacks people who are in their post-productive period. So it seems that the protection is not the main factor causing skin pigmentation evolution. It is hypothesized that skin experience pigmentation as its effort to protect human from UV radiation which can cause folic acid loss. Folic acid is one of important factors in sperm and fetus development process. If so, why don't all people have colored-skin? Although most UV radiation effects are bad and dangerous for human beings, sunlight is also a catalyst in the process of natural vitamin D production in the skin. Vitamin D supports the human body in the process of absorbing calcium, which is very important in the bone development, form food. People with colored-skin living in the equatorial part of Africa get sufficient UV radiation to produce vitamin D. On the country, those living in the northern part of the globe get less sunlight. The decrease of skin pigmentation experienced by people who move from Africa to the north cause the skin get less UV radiation to produce vitamin D. Evolution caused by skin pigmentation difference is one of the body's efforts to balance the folic acid protection and vitamin D production. Nowadays, people can move or migrate to areas with more or less sunlight than their origin as they want, so they can get the ideal condition for their skin pigmentation. Biology 3 High School


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